Watermark Support for FullScreen Images

Sencillo allows you to protect your images when you distribute them on your online Portfolio.

As each time you create a new Portfolio Item, you upload a new Image, Sencillo automatically generates all required thumbnails for each Portfolio variant, Album, Preview and also the one that will be show when your visitors click to maximize your items.

Sencillo Premium Portfolio Theme - Watermark Support

Just replacing the sample PNG file with your own, you can place a transparent PNG watermark automatically on all your images when are viewed by site visitors. Watermark can be also aligned to any corner or side of your image, depending on your overlaying intention and your own item's style. You can read more on "Watermarking" section on Sencillo's Documentation.

All sample images used on this demo aren't distributed on the downloadable package due to copyright reasons and each one of them are regularly licensed for DoubleMThemes to be used here by their respective authors/owners. In that case, when you got your site running , it will be filled up with sample content and gray images you only need to replace with your own.


The watermarking process is very simple: Drupal pastes a transparent PNG image over the fullscreen images aligned to one of the corners.

Changing the PNG Watermark

Sencillo includes a simple watermark.png file you can just replace with your own. So, if you want to place your own watermark follow these steps:

1 - Replace the file watermark.png located under sites/default/files .

2 - Delete the folder sites/default/files/styles for cleaning all the cache images generated file.

3 - Reload any Portfolio view and click on any image to maximize it. It will generate the new image with the new watermark for cleaning all the cache images generated file.

Changing the Watermark Position

Once you’ve changed the watermark, you can change the relative position where it appears. Just follow these steps:

1 - Browse to https://yourdomain.com/sencillo/admin/config/media/image-styles/edit/ful... .

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Website created in April 2014
