3 Theme Variants in 1

Sencillo is a 3 in 1 Creative & Portfolio Drupal theme for 7.x major version. It's an awesome theme for building portfolio sites in minutes. Combines flexibility, customization & clean design on 3 layout focused on "portfolio items" that will allow you to set up your site really fast and get your whole gallery published online over the most flexible & robust CMS of the world.

Sencillo 2.0

Sencillo, since version 1.0, released on February 2012, includes 3 theme variants 100% compatible with all theme features. This means you can change your theme look to give it a totally fresh look with just few clicks.

All 3 variants are 100% fully responsive layouts compatible with iPhone/Android devices on Portrait mode (320px wide), iPhone/Android devices on Landscape mode (480px wide), iPad and Tablet PC (768px wide) and common desktop screens (+960 px).

Each variant is a completelly separated theme you can optionally port to reduce the ammount of diskspace on your Drupal installation in case you need it. 

Sencillo Clean

Sencillo Clean is the default theme of the "Sencillo family" themes. All visual elements are clearly distributed along the screen to ensure content consistency.

It's focused on Portfolio items, Albums, Nagivation, Usability, Social Sharing, Typography and a clean distribution of author content.

It's conceibed with a clean visual layout so you can addapt it depending on your needs in case you've interested on including advanced CSS features. Each visual component is balanced so whitespace allows designers to get the most of the theme concept. 

Sencillo Explode

Sencillo Explode is the favourite version of most buyers. It's visually consistent with a right aligned navigation menu that ensures a much more solid layout that closes over a wide top header along all pages. As Sencillo Clean variant, it includes all the awesome features from the Portfolios, Albums and so.

Sencillo Artwork

Sencillo Artwork relies on a wide background that supports a solid space for the welcome message and a floating navigation menu a little bit Apple influenced you can use to offer your navigation to portfolio visitors. All 3 variants can be easily changed and infinitely customized if you're a CSS developer.

It's based on the most "recent and stable" recommended Drupal modules

All required modules are also included on the package. Sencillo not only relies on a clean visual identity, simplicity and the "just the required modules" approach ensures the usage of only a few modules to power up the stability and performance of your site.

Sencillo means "Simple" in Spanish, and that's all it is: A theme where you can share your creative work or the one of your client.

It's focused on images as its first purpose and then on typography. Following are the most important sections of the theme described and the main features they provide. All images thumbnails are automatically generated, you don't need to preprocess them to fit their different scenarios.

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Website created in April 2014
